Nursing Care Plan for Rheumatic Fever in Children

Nursing Care Assessment Based on the information Nelson (2000), the data could focus on assessment of nursing care, among others: 1. Fo...

Do You Often Experience Pain and Stiffness in The Neck? Try These Tips

This condition is generally common to many people, such as office workers, where almost all activities carried out on the table and dealing ...

Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Coronary heart disease is a term that describes what happens when your heart's blood supply blocked or distorted by the buildup of fatt...

Examination of Early Signs of Pregnancy and How to Maintain Pregnancy First Trimester, Second And Third

Understanding Pregnancy is the development of one or more offspring, known as an embryo or fetus in the womb. Multiple pregnancy include mor...

Vascular Dementia - Early Warning Signs, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Vascular Dementia Dementia describe the loss of mental abilities associated with the gradual death of brain cells. Vascular dementia is...