Uric acid is actually naturally present in the body. Becomes a problem when the levels are excessive. So to prevent uric acid means prevent excess uric acid levels in the body. Various ways in which to treat Uric Acid, is not much help if the patient is not doing their daily steps to prevent it as well.
Okay, the question arises ....! What causes increased levels of uric acid in the body? Sure you can guess the answer: food.
Uric Acid. Well, here are some ways that are not affected by uric acid ... (Best Gout Remedies)
1. Avoid foods rich in purines. (See below for the type of food and the levels of purine) Swap with a low purine diet or purinnya levels of mediocrity.
2. Reduce alcohol. Or better not be. Alcoholic beverages, especially beer, is a type of beverage with the highest levels of purines. If you can not stop drinking alcohol, drink with moderation, lest more than one or two glasses of wine a day.
3. Drink plenty of water. Especially beverages containing ionized or mineral. Drink eight to 12 glasses a day. Reduce consumption of alkaline water and do not drink clean water-baking soda, salt content because its quite high.
4. Drinking milk and orange juice
According to some research, milk lowers uric acid levels. If you suffer from gout potential, risk can be lowered when drinking a glass of milk every day. One glass of milk can lower uric acid to 0.25 mg / dL, with orange juice Similarly, although slightly below the properties of milk.
5. Drinking coffee. In some studies, the result that coffee may reduce the risk of gout. Coffee also can slightly reduce the risk of gout. for those who have been affected.
6. Eat cherries, celery, strawberries. Eating fruit or drinking juice. All contain components that can fight gout. Some patients reported immediate pain because uric acid is lost because of the cherry. Berries can also help prevention. Four large berries are recommended elderberi, strawberries, blueberries, and bilberi. Everything can prevent uric acid because it is rich in antioxidants, low berpurin, and not too acidic. Give the right? Strawberries!
7. Multivitamins. Minimal drink a multivitamin tablet every day. Choose the most powerful and contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc, especially for those who are over 40 years old.
8. Lose weight. If you are overweight, you should lose weight. Losing weight is the most important tip in the prevention of gout, although the most difficult thing to do.
9. Drinking vitamin C. Vitamin C intake of 500 mg per day, according to one study, is proven to prevent gout.
Purines in Food
Height: herring, sardines, anchovies, liver (of all animals), broth, meat offal, fish, tuna, trout, lobster and family, shrimp, scallops, alcoholic beverages.
Medium: fish (except those mentioned in the high category), legumes including beans (soy, pea beans), beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, lentils.
Low: eggs (and egg whites), fruits (including berries) milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, cream, ice cream, potatoes, grain products (bread, krakers, pasta, noodles, spaghetti, rice), nuts and seeds, cakes, biscuits, cereals, olives, vinegar, vegetable oil, brown sugar, pickled vegetables, kimchi.
How to Prevent Uric Acid (Gout)
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